Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Wheels in motion


Today we left early and went to ICBF,  filled out some paperwork and picked up the conformity agreement!  Then we were off to the US Embassy.  We applied for Sebastian's visa and although it took a few hours it went much more quickly than we expected.  (Again thank God for Helena)  There were a few different steps starting by dropping off his passport and our application...then  you wait to be called. Next you go over paperwork etc and pay...and wait to be called.  Then you are called to a different for the interview which in this instance went quickly seeing as Sebastian is not yet speaking.  If all goes well we should be able to pick up the visa at 4:00pm tomorrow.  That leaves us Thursday to pack and get organized and Friday we will be off to the airport!  I can hardly believe it- even though at immigration at the Bogota airport we have a lot of added steps and interviews and then again when we land in Orlando...this visa is the last document we need to procure. 
The only unfortunate thing is that last night I threw out my neck last night and am moving a little bit like a zombie.  I am hoping it gets better before I need to hold a baby on my lap from Bogota to Boston.!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent news! Hope your neck feels better. Make a rice sock, I know you've got plenty of rice around and it really helps!
