Yesterday was quite the experience. I should begin by saying it would have been impossible with out the loving help of Audrey. I cannot even imagine doing any of that with a baby by myself. The day started a little before 4:00am - wake up, shower, last minute packing of the crib etc. and we were driving away from the apartment by 5:30. Thank God for Reynel at the airport....everything was confusing and everyone told us soemthing different but he stuck with us and brokered on our behalf all the way to security (which took about 2 hours), After bidding farewell we went through security (the first kind) only to discover we could not yet get to our gate. At around 8:00 we passed through into a small waiting area (the gate) but first had to have our bags inspected by hand and our bodies frisked (and if you were Audrey- you had your gingerale confiscated). Once on the plane, I began to actually breathe again (ok a little) and I am very thankful for the boarding early with small children because people are ruthless and they will run you and your 6 month old over. Sebastian really is an all-star - he fussed a bit on the ascending and descending and when he got sleepy or hungry(totally usual) but he napped, ate dinner despite some turbulence and won the hearts of everyone he met. (We've discovered he's a big flirt)
Landing in Orlando we rushed to customs- knowing that we only had 2 hours before our flight left for Boston and we NEEDED to be on that. Immigration - and the process of Tano becoming a legal resident was an adventure. First- what line : According to the travel packet (thank you Sabeth) provided by our agency we were to go to the residents line and inform them that we had an adoption immigration packet (all the paperwork).
Well the lady guarding that line said we needed to go to the visitors line and not residents. Sensing she did not know what she was talking about...we walked toward the visitors line and spotted a sign saying "special assistance". We walked up and explained the situation to another, nicer woman and then went to see an immigration officer. After they stamped our passports they took all Sebastian's paperwork into a back room with a small waiting area. It felt a little like detention...and the officers were all walking in and out of the offices but never called anyone from the waiting room in...It felt like forever and at around 3:15 we started feeling like their was no way we could make our 4:00 flight - after all we still needed to get our luggage, recheck it and go through security again (i mean we weren't even out of customs yet...) Thank the Lord someone came and took Sebastian's paperwork and a little later came out with his stamped passport- He could now enter the country! We ran out of there literally piled all 5 of the suitcases on a cart and went to security checkpoint #1(I wish there was documentation of this process- the suitcases were piled so high that I couldn't see the other side and might have, sort of ran into a man on the way to the belt. With our luggage rechecked we ran to security, removing shoes, laptops, taking Sebastian out of the stroller- having the thermos of water in the diaper bag tested ....then we ran (again literally) to the gate. They even though it was 3:50 they hadn't started boarding- Just enough time to call Greg and let him know we were going to make the flight.
The rest of the night seems a blur - we made it to Boston. Sebastian got to meet his Tia Allison and Mimi and definitely remembered his Daddy. Tano had his first ride in a car seat and after a rough patch finally slept in his crib. He woke up scared and a little confused by his new surroundings but has been doing pretty good today - all things considered. He loves his exersaucer and went for a nice walk around the neighborhood. We know it will take him some time to get adjusted and comfortable in his new home but with his upbeat and loving personality we are hoping that you all get to meet him really soon!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The Countdown
Now that all the documents are ready, we are all getting excited as the travel day is tomorrow...We've started packing and it actually feels real...
Things I am going to miss:
1. The sound of horse hooves on the street
2. Walking to the grocery store
3. The park around the corner
4. Helena, of course
5. Someone cleaning my bathroom (the only part of having a maid I got used to)
6. Having a bathroom IN the bedroom
7. The corner drugeria where the pharmacist knew what formula Sebastian uses
8. Using my Spanish and getting better
9. The coffee
10. The mountains - I never get sick of looking at them
Things I am NOT going to miss:
1. The construction across the street
2. The garbage truck that rolls down the street at 1:00, 4:00 or 6:00 am
3. The water heater
4. The stiff and incredibly uncomfortable bed
5. Never knowing what phone is ringing and if it is even in our apartment
6. The nightly ritual of boiling the bottles
7. TV- specifically watching Two and a Half men - just so Sebastian can hear the song (He loves it!)
8. The bottled water dispenser - its impossible to maneuver
9. The bare white walls
10. The glass furniture- they really hurt when you bump into them, which I do a lot
Helena came over for lunch today and to say safe travels. It was really difficult to say goodbye- she has been such a dear friend and loving guide throughout this process. Sebastian won the hearts of everyone he met here and they are all going to miss him. Poor Marisol (the maid) cried when having to say goodbye. Grammie said it best "its a happy-sad day" and of course in true Bogota style it rained all day.
I am so glad to be going home with my son but a part of me is sad knowing that this once in a lifetime experience is coming to a close- we've made so many memories that will last our entire lives.
Things I am going to miss:
1. The sound of horse hooves on the street
2. Walking to the grocery store
3. The park around the corner
4. Helena, of course
5. Someone cleaning my bathroom (the only part of having a maid I got used to)
6. Having a bathroom IN the bedroom
7. The corner drugeria where the pharmacist knew what formula Sebastian uses
8. Using my Spanish and getting better
9. The coffee
10. The mountains - I never get sick of looking at them
Things I am NOT going to miss:
1. The construction across the street
2. The garbage truck that rolls down the street at 1:00, 4:00 or 6:00 am
3. The water heater
4. The stiff and incredibly uncomfortable bed
5. Never knowing what phone is ringing and if it is even in our apartment
6. The nightly ritual of boiling the bottles
7. TV- specifically watching Two and a Half men - just so Sebastian can hear the song (He loves it!)
8. The bottled water dispenser - its impossible to maneuver
9. The bare white walls
10. The glass furniture- they really hurt when you bump into them, which I do a lot
Helena came over for lunch today and to say safe travels. It was really difficult to say goodbye- she has been such a dear friend and loving guide throughout this process. Sebastian won the hearts of everyone he met here and they are all going to miss him. Poor Marisol (the maid) cried when having to say goodbye. Grammie said it best "its a happy-sad day" and of course in true Bogota style it rained all day.
I am so glad to be going home with my son but a part of me is sad knowing that this once in a lifetime experience is coming to a close- we've made so many memories that will last our entire lives.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Visa, check!
This afternoon Reynel picked me up at around 2:00 and we went to the US Embassy. By 4:30 I was back at the apartment visa in hand - not too bad. It all went pretty smoothly. Some of your prayers must of also helped Helena she was having a small crisis with another family and their visa application. We met the other adoptive mother at the Embassy...and long story short their visa will be ready tomorrow. So with all the papers in our possession...we are a go for Friday morning. Reynel will pick us up at 5:30 am and take us to the airport. There are a number of steps and different paperwork for each level of security and immigration- I hope I can keep them all straight. All the "officialness" of everything makes me a tad nervous. (as does flying with Sebastian for the first time) So keep us in your prayers.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Wheels in motion
Today we left early and went to ICBF, filled out some paperwork and picked up the conformity agreement! Then we were off to the US Embassy. We applied for Sebastian's visa and although it took a few hours it went much more quickly than we expected. (Again thank God for Helena) There were a few different steps starting by dropping off his passport and our application...then you wait to be called. Next you go over paperwork etc and pay...and wait to be called. Then you are called to a different for the interview which in this instance went quickly seeing as Sebastian is not yet speaking. If all goes well we should be able to pick up the visa at 4:00pm tomorrow. That leaves us Thursday to pack and get organized and Friday we will be off to the airport! I can hardly believe it- even though at immigration at the Bogota airport we have a lot of added steps and interviews and then again when we land in Orlando...this visa is the last document we need to procure.
The only unfortunate thing is that last night I threw out my neck last night and am moving a little bit like a zombie. I am hoping it gets better before I need to hold a baby on my lap from Bogota to Boston.!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Good Day
After a morning of waiting this afternoon proved very productive. Around 2:00pm we arrived at the passport office and Sebastian's passport was ready! (He does look incredibly miserable in the photo - just as I knew he would- unfortunate that Colombian passports last 10 years). After obtaining the passport we went to get Sebastian's visa medical exam. The doctor says he looks very healthy, up to date with his vaccinations weighs 14 3/4lbs and 25 3/4 inches tall. The only flaw is the two big bug bites he received from the giant buzzing bug that resides in our bedroom (but cannot be caught)- but thankfully the doctor gave us some topical cream to help the irritation.
The Plan:
Tomorrow morning at 9:15 Luis Alberto will pick us up and take us to ICBF where the conformity document should be ready and waiting. After that we will go to the US Embassy to apply for Sebastian's visa - this can be a very long process and if one paper is missing, one i not dotted the whole thing falls apart. We are praying that this goes smoothly - nobody wants to wait a week and have to reapply.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Its like I live in Colombia
Today was a low key kind of day. The longer I am here the more it seems like I live here and the more difficult it is to imagine myself at home. I am accustomed to the city sounds, our accordion playing neighbor, and the oddities of the stove here in the apartment. Last night Sebastian had a choppy night's sleep - so Mommy did as well. But Grammie let me sleep in this morning and catch up a little. (Sooo nice of her)
This afternoon we went back to the Usaquen area and Artisan Market - now that we have the lay of the land and know what we are doing. We had a lovely time and a light lunch and then returned to the apartment. Tomorrow is another chill day of course until late afternoon when Lord willing we will hear about the passport and maybe even the conformity agreement....It is hard to imagine that in less than a week we could be on plane heading to the states. Sebastian is getting bigger everyday- most of his 3-6month clothes do not fit him anymore. Its amazing just how fast it happens. He is such a dear little soul- his personality and general disposition make it impossible not to love him.
This afternoon we went back to the Usaquen area and Artisan Market - now that we have the lay of the land and know what we are doing. We had a lovely time and a light lunch and then returned to the apartment. Tomorrow is another chill day of course until late afternoon when Lord willing we will hear about the passport and maybe even the conformity agreement....It is hard to imagine that in less than a week we could be on plane heading to the states. Sebastian is getting bigger everyday- most of his 3-6month clothes do not fit him anymore. Its amazing just how fast it happens. He is such a dear little soul- his personality and general disposition make it impossible not to love him.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Such a big Boy
This morning Tano woke up smiling and looking more like himself. His leg looked better and the effects of the vaccinations seem to be going away. Today Sebastian ate banana for the first time - and liked it! It even seemed to make his rice cereal taste better. He still takes breaks to chew on the bowl but has been eating so much better.
Sebastian also got his first bump today when he head butted the wooden bed frame. I think it upset Mommy more than him. (who should probably try to get used to it with an energetic mischievous little boy) With a little ice the bump shrunk, Sebastian was playing and giggling again and you could barely see anything.
We had a busy day walking around la Candelaria (the historic district of Bogota) with Grammie and Luis Alberto (our driver and friend) We went to a few different styles of churches that were quite beautiful and checked out some artisan's shops. Sebastian was so well behaved - although he did keep trying to take his socks off and leave them in the street, a church and a coffee shop.
Sebastian also got his first bump today when he head butted the wooden bed frame. I think it upset Mommy more than him. (who should probably try to get used to it with an energetic mischievous little boy) With a little ice the bump shrunk, Sebastian was playing and giggling again and you could barely see anything.
We had a busy day walking around la Candelaria (the historic district of Bogota) with Grammie and Luis Alberto (our driver and friend) We went to a few different styles of churches that were quite beautiful and checked out some artisan's shops. Sebastian was so well behaved - although he did keep trying to take his socks off and leave them in the street, a church and a coffee shop.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Tough Little Guy
The last 24 hours have trying but Sebastian has been such a trooper. Yesterday he had his 6 month vaccinations which we knew because of his history that he has bad reactions (ie fever, swelling etc) So last night he was very unhappy and we saw actually tears for the first time- very difficult for Mommy to see. He slept on and off but only when being held and didn't eat a lot. Thankfully, this morning he ate all his breakfast and we were off to the passport office. The paperwork took so long that Sebastian fell asleep. Then they needed to take his passport picture so we had to wake him. Then the man take the photo kept asking me to basically have my 6month old stand with out my hands being visible, holding him in the air and making sure he doesn't move at all (totally impossible). Finally, after literally 15 photos another gentleman came over and took the last photo- of course by this point Sebastian was crying and looks miserable in his passport photo - unfortunate because he is normally such a happy smiling baby but between the vaccines and the nap skipping. He took an extra long nap this afternoon and we are hoping that by tomorrow he is back to his normal self. Tonight he was even splashing and playing in the bath.
The process is paused until we get Sebastian's passport (which we hope will be late Monday afternoon) Then things get crazy again.
The process is paused until we get Sebastian's passport (which we hope will be late Monday afternoon) Then things get crazy again.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Sentencia as Last!
We arrived at court at 9:00 this morning (Trip 3)... baring in mind that the secretary said the copies would be ready at 10:00. When he checked in he was a bit hostile and told our lawyer that for the 5th time they would not be ready until 11:00 (of course this was the first time he said anything like that). The secretary, apparently new at his post, was a little drunk with power and sent us away empty handed again just because he could. So we left and got a cup of coffee, trying to kill a few hours. Then our lawyer had to leave and Helena and I went to the nearby Panamericana bookstore and browsed kid's books for a while. Trip 4: At precisely 10:59 we stepped up to the window of court #21 to find the secretary not at his desk. We both got very nervous for a moment but then 2 minutes later he arrived and I was able to sign for our copies of the adoption decree. Finally the paper was in my hands and Sebastian was legally ours!
Then rushing because the doctor was due at the apartment at 1:00, we headed to the registry where thankfully Reynel (our driver and A+ human being) had already started inquiring about the new birth certificate. When we got to the registry as a nice change from our most recent legal interactions, the woman who helped us was very gracious and understanding. I signed and fingerprinted the new birth certificate listing Greg and I as the parents! We don't have copies yet because the official registrar was out of the office so they could not be officially stamped but hopefully tomorrow we will have copies of the new birth certificate.
What's next? Here's the list:
1. Passport photos of Sebastian (hopefully tomorrow)
2. Apply for Sebastian's Colombian passport (hopefully tomorrow)
3. Visa medical exam
4. Conformity Document (CRAN must apply for it from ICBF once we get them copies of the
Sentencia and new birth certificate)
5. Get Conformity Document from ICBF
6. Apply for Visa at US Embassy
7. Get Sebastian's Passport
8. Get Sebastian's Visa
All of this should take approximately a week, Lord willing
There is a lot still to do but the end is in sight. After almost 2 1/2+ hours on the phone with Jet Blue (apparently whoever assisted us in the very beginning made a mistake that caused a legal problem in regards to Sebastian's ticket) we have a flight home booked for Friday May 27th! Keep those fingers crossed and keep praying that this next week will go smoothly and swiftly and bring us safely home.
Then rushing because the doctor was due at the apartment at 1:00, we headed to the registry where thankfully Reynel (our driver and A+ human being) had already started inquiring about the new birth certificate. When we got to the registry as a nice change from our most recent legal interactions, the woman who helped us was very gracious and understanding. I signed and fingerprinted the new birth certificate listing Greg and I as the parents! We don't have copies yet because the official registrar was out of the office so they could not be officially stamped but hopefully tomorrow we will have copies of the new birth certificate.
What's next? Here's the list:
1. Passport photos of Sebastian (hopefully tomorrow)
2. Apply for Sebastian's Colombian passport (hopefully tomorrow)
3. Visa medical exam
4. Conformity Document (CRAN must apply for it from ICBF once we get them copies of the
Sentencia and new birth certificate)
5. Get Conformity Document from ICBF
6. Apply for Visa at US Embassy
7. Get Sebastian's Passport
8. Get Sebastian's Visa
All of this should take approximately a week, Lord willing
There is a lot still to do but the end is in sight. After almost 2 1/2+ hours on the phone with Jet Blue (apparently whoever assisted us in the very beginning made a mistake that caused a legal problem in regards to Sebastian's ticket) we have a flight home booked for Friday May 27th! Keep those fingers crossed and keep praying that this next week will go smoothly and swiftly and bring us safely home.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Sentencia Update #2
Ok so not as smoothly as we had hoped... Two trips to the court today and still no sentencia in hand.
We got to the court around 9:00 this morning which by the way looks nothing like courts in the states.
You pass a book store then around a divider past security into a room with a desk and an elevator. Oh and this elevator is clearly marked maximum capacity 7 people...and frankly seeing the size of it even that is pushing it. Helena and I get on as number 6 and 7 and then two more women push their way on. For a moment I thought we were never going to make it to the 7th floor. We get off at the 6th floor (thats the highest the elevator goes) and walk up one flight of stairs to court #21.
Trip 1: we went to the court window and they pulled up our case and by pulled up I mean went to a giant stack of files and picked up a bulging file wrapped in a string. Helena and I carefully went over the Sentencia documents checking all our identification numbers and names to ensure that everything was accurate. Then, I signed. Now we still needed the defender to sign before it was official and we could get copies of the decree. When we went to the defender's office to inquire we discovered that everyone was gone for a training scheduled for the entire morning. The secretary in court #21 said we couldn't get the sentencia until Friday. Helena, not willing to give up asked the advice of a lawyer friend and decided it was worth a try to return in the afternoon and try to catch the attention of the defender.
Trip 2: At around 2:30 we returned to the court, went to the 7th floor where the defender's office as well as court 21 is located and there were about 10 times the number of people that were there in the morning- and no one was happy. Once Helena got the attention of the defender he said he would not the decree today but somehow Helena worked her magic and he said he would look into it in a minute.
We walked back over top court #21 window which was kind of a mad house. There was a crowd of people trying to reach the window each pushing papers in front of each others trying to grab the attention of the window attendant. This push and pull went on for about 45 minutes and Helena, God bless her, was right in the middle of it. When she finally got a chance to inquire about the Sentencia the secretary said that the defender had signed it but he would not give us the copies until after 10:00 tomorrow. Why? Just because he could.
So. the status seems to be that the document is signed and stamped - we just don't have it and unfortunately we cannot move forward with the process without the copies. So please pray that tomorrow on Trip 3 we get the official adoption decree... if that goes smoothly than the next step is a new birth certificate!
One other thing- did I mention I have the cutest sweetest little son?
We got to the court around 9:00 this morning which by the way looks nothing like courts in the states.
You pass a book store then around a divider past security into a room with a desk and an elevator. Oh and this elevator is clearly marked maximum capacity 7 people...and frankly seeing the size of it even that is pushing it. Helena and I get on as number 6 and 7 and then two more women push their way on. For a moment I thought we were never going to make it to the 7th floor. We get off at the 6th floor (thats the highest the elevator goes) and walk up one flight of stairs to court #21.
Trip 1: we went to the court window and they pulled up our case and by pulled up I mean went to a giant stack of files and picked up a bulging file wrapped in a string. Helena and I carefully went over the Sentencia documents checking all our identification numbers and names to ensure that everything was accurate. Then, I signed. Now we still needed the defender to sign before it was official and we could get copies of the decree. When we went to the defender's office to inquire we discovered that everyone was gone for a training scheduled for the entire morning. The secretary in court #21 said we couldn't get the sentencia until Friday. Helena, not willing to give up asked the advice of a lawyer friend and decided it was worth a try to return in the afternoon and try to catch the attention of the defender.
Trip 2: At around 2:30 we returned to the court, went to the 7th floor where the defender's office as well as court 21 is located and there were about 10 times the number of people that were there in the morning- and no one was happy. Once Helena got the attention of the defender he said he would not the decree today but somehow Helena worked her magic and he said he would look into it in a minute.
We walked back over top court #21 window which was kind of a mad house. There was a crowd of people trying to reach the window each pushing papers in front of each others trying to grab the attention of the window attendant. This push and pull went on for about 45 minutes and Helena, God bless her, was right in the middle of it. When she finally got a chance to inquire about the Sentencia the secretary said that the defender had signed it but he would not give us the copies until after 10:00 tomorrow. Why? Just because he could.
So. the status seems to be that the document is signed and stamped - we just don't have it and unfortunately we cannot move forward with the process without the copies. So please pray that tomorrow on Trip 3 we get the official adoption decree... if that goes smoothly than the next step is a new birth certificate!
One other thing- did I mention I have the cutest sweetest little son?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sentencia Update
Helena called and the judge signed the 8:00 tomorrow I have to go to the court and sign the Sentencia. (we were hoping to go this afternoon but a student demonstration downtown closed the streets- so here's praying and hoping that everything goes smoothly tomorrow.) However the Sentencia (adoption decree) is not official until the defender of minors signs it - which will hopefully happen sometime this week. Steps closer to Sebastian being an official member of the family.
Also, Sebastian's doctor's appointment was moved to Thurs at he'll have to wait one more day for some delicious food! (although we are getting the bananas and avocados ready)
Also, Sebastian's doctor's appointment was moved to Thurs at he'll have to wait one more day for some delicious food! (although we are getting the bananas and avocados ready)
Monday, May 16, 2011
6 months old!
Today Sebastian turned 6 months...its amazing how it feels like I have been here forever and also like the time is flying by - I can hardly believe that he is getting so big. He is getting better at eating his cereal and has discovered he likes to push his face into the bowl. Right now we are working on eating, we tackle neatness and ettiqiute later.
Wednesday we have an appointment with the doctor for his 6 mo check up and immunizations. Last time he got a fever for a few days so we are hoping he responds better to the shots this time. No court updates but we got out for a little and saw some more of Bogota. Today we went to the botanical gardens and had a nice walk in some greenery- a nice change from city living. We also went to a store called Maku' - where everything hand made by Colombian artisans. Every day with him is so fun. He loves to laugh, loves his Grammie and does so well when we are out and about.
Wednesday we have an appointment with the doctor for his 6 mo check up and immunizations. Last time he got a fever for a few days so we are hoping he responds better to the shots this time. No court updates but we got out for a little and saw some more of Bogota. Today we went to the botanical gardens and had a nice walk in some greenery- a nice change from city living. We also went to a store called Maku' - where everything hand made by Colombian artisans. Every day with him is so fun. He loves to laugh, loves his Grammie and does so well when we are out and about.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Definitely a Mom
No new news to report...we are still waiting to hear from the lawyer about the legal process and the doctor about Sebastian's upcoming appointment. Tomorrow he turns 6 months! (I can't believe it)
We did get a little sun today and went on a nice walk to the grocery store. It felt really good to get out of the apartment and feel fresh air, sun and a breeze. Also, in the last 24 hours, I have been christianed as a new mom. Last night Tano peed on my lap through his diaper, and clothes and then this afternoon he again aimed right at my lap and puked. Normally he is very tidy with spit up etc. so I feel like this was a rite of passage. I truly am loving him more each day and if possible I think he is getting cuter...

Friday, May 13, 2011
Rainy Days
Its been raining pretty heavily (huge thunder and lightening and all) the last few days - So we haven't left the apartment. That combined with daddy being gone has made both mommy and baby a little under the weather. There has been some fun though - Grammie has been keeping everyone's spirits up and even when a little out of sorts Sebastian played patty cake and danced with Grammie and got a good taste of his book. His smile makes the rest of the world disappear...and his eyes can break your heart with joy.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Then there were three...
A very sad morning in the Plante family - Greg left to return to the states. We all already miss him terribly. Thankfully, Sebastian keeps giggling and smiling making it impossible to not be happy even if just for a minute. We are going to view this as just one more hurdle before our family is home all together - and God knows Sebastian is worth it. Greg is home safely and we made Tano a little photo album with pictures of him and daddy and he has already enjoyed looking and pointingat it. I am incredibly thankful to have Grammie here - not just for the amazing help but also the company. Of course Sebastian loves her to pieces and that doesn't hurt either.
Process Update: So we got some good news tonight. Our paperwork was admitted by the judge and sent to the defender of minors- where they approved it! All of that went much more quickly than expected. (It could have taken weeks) Now the paper work is back in the judge's "inbox" Once he "opens" it he has ten days to grant the Sentencia or final adoption decree. Please keep us in your prayers and hope that the judge "opens" the papers soon - then we can start counting down to Sebastian officially being part of our family!
Monday, May 9, 2011
First Mother's Day
Yesterday was my very first mother's day! I want to thank all our friends and family who sent kind words and well wishes. I especially appreciated my niece's "happy first mother's day" via phone. I absolutely LOVE being a mom and we had a lovely day together. Daddy made us breakfast and then we all went to the Usaquen Flea Market- where a lot of artisans sell their work. We browsed for a while then had a nice lunch at the Bogata Beer company. (Daddy was craving a hamburger) Sebastian was truly amazing and so patient and well behaved and Grammie is an amazing help!
Today everyone is feeling a little sad because Greg leaves early tomorrow morning. Its hard to think of being here without him and I can only imagine what it must feel like to leave little Sebastian (let alone me)
We haven't heard any updates from the court so keep praying. I am trying to keep a positive attitude that things will move along with ease and we will all be reunited at home soon.
Today everyone is feeling a little sad because Greg leaves early tomorrow morning. Its hard to think of being here without him and I can only imagine what it must feel like to leave little Sebastian (let alone me)
We haven't heard any updates from the court so keep praying. I am trying to keep a positive attitude that things will move along with ease and we will all be reunited at home soon.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Cuter Every Day....
Its official - he actually gets cuter every day! I bet every mom feels that way but I am pretty sure in this case its true.

Grammie got Sebastian to eat some cereal this morning. Somedays he eats and opens his mouth with a smile for the incoming spoon. While other days he screams at the very sight of the spoon. We keep forging ahead. Who doesn't agree that the bottle is just easier?
Sebastian just loves his daddy and its really heartwarming to see the two of them interact. Today they had their first game of catch and Sebastian smiled and laughed (Daddy did too)
Unfortunately, Greg's flight is confirmed for Tuesday morning. I don't want to think about it never mind say any more -other than nobody here wants him to go. Having a job can be such a pain.
Grammie got Sebastian to eat some cereal this morning. Somedays he eats and opens his mouth with a smile for the incoming spoon. While other days he screams at the very sight of the spoon. We keep forging ahead. Who doesn't agree that the bottle is just easier?
Sebastian just loves his daddy and its really heartwarming to see the two of them interact. Today they had their first game of catch and Sebastian smiled and laughed (Daddy did too)
Unfortunately, Greg's flight is confirmed for Tuesday morning. I don't want to think about it never mind say any more -other than nobody here wants him to go. Having a job can be such a pain.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Grammie's Here!
Yesterday was our visit to CRAN and we had great weather for it. The sun was out, the children were playing and everyone couldn't help but oooh aand ahhh over Sebastian. Even the children were playing and talking to him. At one point it got a little overwhelming and dad and mom had to push through a mob of sweet and excited children grabbing at us to get Tano to a quieter place. The staff there really is amazing and they have such great programs and always need donations of clothes etc. If you want more info check out their website-
Well that was just the daytime. Last night Grammie finally arrived after two flights, a really long wait at customs, and the typical hectic taxi ride to the apartment. Sebastian must have heard Dad and Grammie arrive around 11 PM because he woke up to say hi and give his grandmother a tired but sincere smile before returning to bed. You can already tell Sebastian loves his abuela. Today we showed Grammie around the neighborhood and got some playtime in....
Well that was just the daytime. Last night Grammie finally arrived after two flights, a really long wait at customs, and the typical hectic taxi ride to the apartment. Sebastian must have heard Dad and Grammie arrive around 11 PM because he woke up to say hi and give his grandmother a tired but sincere smile before returning to bed. You can already tell Sebastian loves his abuela. Today we showed Grammie around the neighborhood and got some playtime in....
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Made for Each Other
Yesterday Sebastian went to not one but two museums! We visited Museo de Botero and saw some amazing paintings including one Miro that Sebastian seemed to like. Then we went to the Museo de Oro (Gold Museum) and he just loved all the shiny things. The new little Plante family did all that in addition to walking around the historical part of Bogota, La Candeleria. Tano was amazing he loved looking around at the art and the people, mommy changed her first diaper in a public restroom and our driver Reynel shared interesting factoids about the various buildings etc.
PROCESS UPDATE: We got assigned court #21 - which is good news and bad news. According to CRAN it is not a court that adds extra steps or is known to cause trouble BUT they move very slowly. Not the best but at least we didn't get assigned one of the courts they call 'the hole'. As of April 27 our petition was filed and as of May 4th the paperwork reached the judges' "inbox" One of many steps so please keep us in your prayers and cross your fingers that things move swiftly and smoothly.
He is just so precious
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
So in love
Well despite lack of sleep and unfamiliar surroundings we are just so in love with our little family. Sebastian can bring smiles to your face and heart despite anything else going on in the world. He has such a lovely personality. He is not loving the rice cereal and clearly just wants his bottle but each day we make a little progress.
Today Tano took his first ride in the stroller and seemed to have fun playing and looking simultaneously. It was a short walk to the neighborhood market and back because it started to rain - thankfully mommy remembered to pack the rain shield. Well it was meant to be a test run anyway because if all goes well tomorrow we are taking Sebastian to his first art museum! We let you know how and if that happens- with a 5 month old all plans are tentative. Its going to be a full week- Thursday morning we have an appointment at CRAN and will get more information and a process update. Then Thursday night Grammie arrives!
Today Tano took his first ride in the stroller and seemed to have fun playing and looking simultaneously. It was a short walk to the neighborhood market and back because it started to rain - thankfully mommy remembered to pack the rain shield. Well it was meant to be a test run anyway because if all goes well tomorrow we are taking Sebastian to his first art museum! We let you know how and if that happens- with a 5 month old all plans are tentative. Its going to be a full week- Thursday morning we have an appointment at CRAN and will get more information and a process update. Then Thursday night Grammie arrives!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Week 3 begins...
Well . . . now that Sebastian has starting rolling over on his own all the time and now he is attempting to crawl. He can wiggle himself forward a little but gets frustrated. Dad really wants to help him but he is doing better all by himself with each passing day.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Big Day
Well today was a very busy day. After breakfast we walked to the Unicentro Mall to Baby Ganga- a local baby store. Then after Tano cut his afternoon nap short (therefore causing mommy and daddy to go without a nap) we walked around the El Batan neighborhood and went and sat watching kids play at the local park.
Today was also the first time that Sebastian ate solid food. It actually went better than expected - he ate a decent amount and didn't resist completely. Every day is full of firsts and little treasures and we are trying to cherish every moment.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Healthy Little Boy
Sebastian had a doctor visit yesterday and it went very well. The pediatrician said that he was a very happy and healthy boy. We got some first- time- parent reassurance that we were doing things correctly. This week we are going to start trying some rice cereal and he is eating a little more formula each day. Tano still is not sleeping through the night but is getting closer and with all the changes that are going on , the doctor said not to worry if he doesn't sleep through until we get home. He is averaging 5 straight hours a night which is more than he was sleeping at his foster parents. So little by little.
He loves going on walks and looking at everything around him. We also discovered he likes to watch cartoons - but only certain ones. He has already developed an individual aesthetic.
We had our first pee incident this morning- I actually am surprised we lasted this long with a baby boy. While poor daddy was changing Sebastian's leaky diaper (we are going back to Huggies while we are here in Colombia...the local brand has proven to be less absorbent) he peed a second time all over the changing pad, the bed and himself. Then as we put him in the bath to clean up - he peed a third time in the bath! Of course he was all smiles and giggles the entire time. He makes it impossible not to love him.
He loves going on walks and looking at everything around him. We also discovered he likes to watch cartoons - but only certain ones. He has already developed an individual aesthetic.
We had our first pee incident this morning- I actually am surprised we lasted this long with a baby boy. While poor daddy was changing Sebastian's leaky diaper (we are going back to Huggies while we are here in Colombia...the local brand has proven to be less absorbent) he peed a second time all over the changing pad, the bed and himself. Then as we put him in the bath to clean up - he peed a third time in the bath! Of course he was all smiles and giggles the entire time. He makes it impossible not to love him.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Living in Bogota
Nothing new to report. I wanted to share our family photo:
Also, I was just thinking about some of the interesting things we are discovering while living here in Colombia.
1) Father and son both love watching youtube videos
2) The apartment walls are thin and our neighbor plays the accordian well into the evening
3)Yes the sun does come out and its burns your skin quickly
4) I don't think they believe in bath tubs... only showers
5) I can't wait for our family and friends to see how sweet and adorable Sebastian is first hand
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